User talk:Aspen

From Mad Gender Science!

notes and things

notes on fibrocystic breast changes/breast growth . sorry for the lack of citations, i’m on mobile and everything got deleted when I went back to my desktop browser..

This article by Medicine Net is a good overview of this subject, though I didn't get any of my sources or much of my information from it.

— estrogen, progesterone, IGF-1, COX-2, and EGF all have roles in breast growth.

— hormonal changes related to fibrocystic breast changes include a lack of progesterone production during the luteal phase of the hormone cycle, hyperestrogenism, more prolactin production, and sensitivity of the breasts to estrogen changes.

— EGF, IGF, TGF, prolactin, progesterone and estrogen all have implications in the cause of fibrocystic breast changes and all the above hormones (with the exception of P) are high in the condition. increased prolactin production, correlation between high EGF and IGF-1 levels in those with FBC, elevated TGF b1 (FBC patients were tested too), elevated estrogen

— Histamine and EGF likely play a role in FBC, as they are both elevated in the blood serum of those with the condition.

— Furthermore, EGF is regulated by progesterone.

— Iodine deficiency may lead to increased E sensitivity in the breasts, therefore iodine supplementation may be helpful in reducing symptoms of FBC, such as cyst size and breast pain.

— COX-2 is raised as estrogen is increased, in addition COX-2 increases aromatase function/upregulation. On a side note, this may mean that compounds that lower COX-2, such as tribulus, shown not to increase T in clinical trials, may act by decreasing the action of excess aromatase. (

whew done for now